
How To Animate Two Objects In Scratch

How to Get Started

This article will teach you lot how to make a sprite move in Scratch, a gratuitous visual programming language.

To follow along, make certain to first practice these steps:

  1. Make an account at the Scratch website.
  2. Read our What is Scratch coding article to learn more than about how to use Scratch blocks.
  3. Create a new project and start reading!

Learning how to code in Scratch is the perfect introduction to computer science, and will brand learning other programming languages much more intuitive. This is the perfect article to starting time your journey into informatics, as motility is 1 of the easiest things to code in Scratch!

What is Motion?

Move is arguably the near basic role in any game. Information technology's the first matter y'all practice when you start a new game, and information technology's present in almost every game made in Scratch.

In real life, movement is the only way that nosotros can interact with the world. Just past thinking about information technology, we move our arms and legs to walk or do anything that we want. Only similar in real life, movement is the primary way that we interact with games. By pressing the arrow keys, players tell their characters to motion effectually on the screen and consummate tasks.

the process of game sprite movement

Making characters walk or motion effectually in games lets them interact more with your earth.

Considering information technology can exist used for nigh anything, we should learn how to make sprites movement before annihilation else. This is perfect for Scratchers who are just getting started, and desire to make their own creations! The rest of this commodity will explain how to create a sprite and make it controllable.

We used this same method in our step-past-step tutorial on how to create a simple game in Scratch. If you're new to Scratch, that's another keen article to check out!

Making a Sprite Move

Footstep ane. Select a Sprite.

To start coding in Scratch, nosotros need to create something called a sprite. Every entity in a Scratch projection is a sprite. These sprites are characters in your game, which tin can motility around and execute code. By creating scripts for the sprites to execute, we tin requite them commands and tell them to do anything we desire!

Right now, the only sprite in our project is the Scratch Cat, who is in every projection by default. If yous desire to create a new sprite, you tin click the Choose a Sprite button, establish in the bottom right of the screen. If you simply want to make the true cat move, yous can skip ahead to step two.

choose a sprite button in Scratch

Select a Scratch sprite character using this button at the bottom right of your new project screen.

Clicking this button should bring you to the Sprite Menu, a library of different sprites which you tin can use in your game. Click on whichever grapheme you like, and Scratch will create them as a new sprite in your game.

the choose a Scratch sprite screen with different sprites

Scratch offers a wide variety of sprites for you to customize your project with.

For our project, nosotros'll use a hedgehog as our first sprite. This is one of the default sprites in the carte, and so anyone that wants to can follow along! However, the code to make characters move works for any sprite. You should choose a sprite that sparks joy. Later on, y'all can expand your project past calculation in a absurd background and more characters.

At present that we've picked out a character for our game, nosotros no longer need the Scratch Cat sprite. We tin go rid of it by clicking on it in the sprite carte, then clicking the trash can symbol next to its bill of fare icon.

Step two. Program your sprite.

Now that we take a sprite, information technology's time to go far controllable. To make your sprite move, we need to use Scratch blocks in order to create a simple script.

The easiest style to brand a sprite move is to use Outcome Listeners. Check out this code cake, which makes sprites motion to the right:

Scratch code for moving a sprite to the right

Lawmaking with an upshot listener for simple move to the right.

Here'due south what this code says in plain English:

"When you press the correct arrow fundamental, indicate towards the correct, then move forward 10 steps."

The lawmaking consists of a yellow event listener block, followed by ii blue motion blocks. The motion blocks really move the sprite, while the event listener block tells the sprite when to motility.

This motion works for any management. By calculation in more blocks like this, we tin can requite our sprite the power to move in whatsoever management nosotros'd similar. Now that we tin move to the right, let's create more scripts to make our hedgehog move in all iv cardinal directions!

▶ Tip: To brand this process faster, you can right click on your existing code and click Duplicate. This will create a copy of these blocks, which means you don't need to drag and drop as much.

Scratch code for moving a sprite, and the duplicate code button

Easily duplicate your code by right clicking and selecting "Indistinguishable."

At present we accept scripts to move in all four directions. Allow'south take a look at how our sprite moves in each management. What are the differences between these four blocks of code?

Scratch code for moving a sprite with left and right and up and down keys

Duplicate and edit your code like above to allow your sprite to move in each direction.

Detect that for each direction, 2 things are dissimilar:

  1. The blocks run when unlike keys are pressed. For example, our graphic symbol moves up when the up arrow cardinal is pressed, and down when the down pointer primal is pressed.
  2. The signal in direction blocks specify dissimilar directions. The numbers in these blocks are degrees, which each correspond one of the key directions (correct/left/up/down). When these blocks run, they tell our sprite to signal towards a specific direction.

The move x steps block remains the same for all four directions. No matter which direction we move in, nosotros always movement at the same speed.

▶ Experiment:

  • Attempt irresolute the number inside of the motion steps block. How does it touch on your graphic symbol'due south move?
  • Instead of "move" blocks, you tin alternatively use change x and change y blocks. Try to supplant all your move blocks with change x / change y blocks!

Once yous've made these four blocks of code, you're pretty much washed! Y'all don't even need to click the dark-green flag — but printing the arrow keys, and your sprite will move effectually!

Check out our case project to run into this style of basic sprite move code yourself.

Fixing Bugs

Something'due south not quite right here. Even though our sprite is moving around properly, there's something foreign happening to its appearance.

the Scratch sprite of a hedgehog

If your sprite looks like this later on moving, you may take a small problems.

When nosotros push button the left arrow key, our hedgehog sprite flips upside down! You might find that the same affair happens to you lot when you try moving to the left. Fear not, this is something that happens to everyone in Scratch. And in that location's an piece of cake style to prepare it.

It may seem obvious to united states of america that our sprite is non supposed to plow upside down, only Scratch doesn't know that! Instead of understanding that our sprite is a graphic symbol that moves left and right, Scratch treats all sprites the aforementioned and makes them rotate a full 360 degrees past default.

Because of this, we take to modify our sprite'south rotation style. First, simply click on the "Direction" setting in the Sprite Bill of fare.

the direction button for your Scratch sprite movement

First find the sprite direction settings in the Sprite Carte, as shown higher up.

So, brand sure the middle choice is selected like in the screenshot below. This will change the sprite'due south rotation way from "all around" to "left/right."

the left/right direction button for your Scratch sprite movement

Click the setting in the eye, "Left/Right" to make certain the sprite flips back over.

Once y'all click the button indicated hither, you should see your sprite flip back over to confront in the right direction.

What's Adjacent: More Avant-garde Movement

Motion is the foundation of almost every game in Scratch. Now that yous've got a controllable character, y'all tin create anything you lot desire!

Notwithstanding, yous may find that the fashion our character moves feels a niggling clunky. The sprite kind of stutters at first, and it takes a moment to starting time moving apace in any direction. Additionally, nosotros can't move diagonally! Nosotros are limited to just the four central directions.

Luckily, there is a method to make your sprite movement that solves all of these problems. It'south more advanced, so we covered it in a carve up article. Now that yous empathise how simple motion works, check out our article on How to Brand a Sprite Move Smoothly to larn about this more advanced method.

If you're okay with this simple manner of movement, you can alternatively:

  • Check out our How to Make a Scratch Game tutorial to build your own game around the projection you started hither.
  • Explore more types of movement with our How to Make a Scratch Sprite Jump tutorial.
  • Detect more footstep-by-step Scratch projection tutorials on our blog.

Keep Learning: Scratch Coding Classes for Kids

A Juni Coding Instructor teaching Scratch coding.

A Juni Instructor teaches Scratch to a educatee.

For structured Scratch learning, Juni Learning offers projection-based Scratch Coding Courses for kids eight-xi to go started with coding. Our Scratch curriculum prepares students with full mastery of the Scratch environment, and prepares them to advance into coding with more than advanced, text-based languages like Python.

  • Game Superstar (Scratch Level 1 course: introduces reckoner scientific discipline fundamentals such and teaches students how to build and pattern their ain Scratch games.
  • Game Chief (Scratch Level 2 course: covers more than circuitous concepts like nested loops, complex conditionals, cloning and more than in training for learning more avant-garde coding languages.

Bank check out our online coding courses for kids, or speak with a Juni Advisor by calling (650) 263-4306 or emailing


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