
How Much Does A Animal Trainer Make

Chore Description: What Does a Domestic dog Trainer Do?

If you're thinking you'd be a great fit for a dog grooming career, but aren't certain what a dog trainer actually does in their mean solar day-to-twenty-four hour period routine, we've laid it all out hither for y'all.

As a dog trainer, or a dog obedience trainer, you'll teach dogs the basic commands and skills the demand in gild to behave, act politely, and part in society.

Another part of your job is to ensure that the humans who own these animals are comfortable and confident in providing their dogs with the leadership and guidance they'll need in club to succeed as a well-behaved dog.

Your job can range from uncomplicated house grooming techniques and basic voice commands, to grooming animals for elaborate tasks like working with disabled or ill people, leading the bullheaded, and more.

Some trainers even specialize in preparation dogs to perform obstruction courses and win dog shows.

The possibilities for dog grooming are about endless as people will always need someone to explicate and teach them how to wrangle their pets correctly.


As a dog trainer, y'all'll likely accept the following duties:

  • work with dogs on basic commands
  • ensure that owners are comfortable and familiar with how to command their dogs
  • use positive and negative reinforcement to train dogs correctly
  • potentially railroad train dogs for specialty tasks like hunting, emotional back up, or service grooming
  • subject dogs when they misbehave
  • provide viable coursework for animals and their owners to consummate

Permit's Talk Bacon

Though being an animal trainer, a canis familiaris trainer specifically, tin can be a rewarding career that many people are passionate nigh, it's safe to say that you won't be bringing in the biggest bucks.

Co-ordinate to the U.S. Agency of Labor Statistics, dog trainers (classified as animal trainers) accept an estimated salary of about $33.600 per twelvemonth.

Equally a note, though, dog trainers typically earn larger salaries than animal trainers in full general.

In fact, the boilerplate yearly bacon for canis familiaris trainers in some states exceeds the national average by going over $forty,000 annually.

What's amend?

Dog trainers take a high earning potentially depending on the facility they work at, the experience they have, and the special skills they're able to banner into the animals they work with.

At the high end, some dog obedience trainers make up to $53,000 yearly, and upward to $150 per 60 minutes.

  • Annually
  • Monthly
  • Hourly

Annually National Average Salary: $36,240

Monthly National Average Salary: $three,000

Hourly National Boilerplate Bacon: $17.43

Average Annual Bacon by State

Country Avg. Annual Bacon
Alabama $xxx,280
Arizona $33,990
Arkansas $38,030
California $43,030
Colorado $38,090
Connecticut $38,710
Delaware $37,540
Florida $34,030
Georgia $thirty,500
Hawaii $34,050
Idaho $24,000
Illinois $33,940
Indiana $27,830
Iowa $54,230
Kansas $27,730
Kentucky $56,710
Louisiana $27,780
Maryland $34,800
Massachusetts $39,480
Michigan $41,270
Minnesota $33,920
Mississippi $23,120
Missouri $31,260
Montana $36,940
Nebraska $26,950
Nevada $31,700
New Hampshire $34,800
New Jersey $37,380
New Mexico $38,660
New York $42,150
North Carolina $30,340
North Dakota $22,450
Ohio $33,450
Oklahoma $29,390
Oregon $29,370
Pennsylvania $30,100
South Carolina $36,900
South Dakota $29,770
Tennessee $29,220
Texas $31,140
Utah $33,900
Virginia $37,650
Washington $43,650
West Virginia $29,810
Wisconsin $35,420

Annual Average Salary: Meridian 5 States

The top earning state in the field is Kentucky, where the average salary is $56,710.

These are the top five earning states in the field:

Kentucky - $56,710

Iowa - $54,230

Washington - $43,650

California - $43,030

New York - $42,150

Average Monthly Bacon by State

State Avg. Monthly Salary
Alabama $2,500
Arizona $2,750
Arkansas $iii,167
California $3,583
Colorado $3,167
Connecticut $iii,167
Delaware $3,083
Florida $two,833
Georgia $2,500
Hawaii $ii,833
Idaho $2,000
Illinois $2,750
Indiana $2,250
Iowa $4,500
Kansas $2,250
Kentucky $4,667
Louisiana $2,250
Maryland $2,833
Massachusetts $3,250
Michigan $iii,417
Minnesota $2,750
Mississippi $1,917
Missouri $2,583
Montana $3,000
Nebraska $ii,167
Nevada $2,583
New Hampshire $2,833
New Jersey $3,083
New Mexico $iii,167
New York $3,500
Northward Carolina $ii,500
North Dakota $1,833
Ohio $two,750
Oklahoma $2,417
Oregon $ii,417
Pennsylvania $2,500
S Carolina $3,000
South Dakota $two,417
Tennessee $2,417
Texas $two,583
Utah $2,750
Virginia $3,083
Washington $iii,583
West Virginia $2,417
Wisconsin $two,917

Monthly Average Salary: Meridian five States

The meridian earning state in the field is Kentucky, where the average bacon is $4,667.

These are the top five earning states in the field:

Kentucky - $4,667

Iowa - $4,500

California - $3,583

Washington - $three,583

New York - $3,500

Average Hourly Salary past Land

Country Avg. Hourly Bacon
Alabama $14.56
Arizona $16.34
Arkansas $18.28
California $20.69
Colorado $18.31
Connecticut $18.61
Delaware $18.05
Florida $16.36
Georgia $14.66
Hawaii $16.37
Idaho $eleven.54
Illinois $16.32
Indiana $13.38
Iowa $26.07
Kansas $13.33
Kentucky $27.26
Louisiana $13.36
Maryland $xvi.73
Massachusetts $18.98
Michigan $xix.84
Minnesota $16.31
Mississippi $eleven.12
Missouri $15.03
Montana $17.76
Nebraska $12.96
Nevada $15.24
New Hampshire $sixteen.73
New Jersey $17.97
New Mexico $18.59
New York $20.26
Due north Carolina $14.59
Northward Dakota $10.79
Ohio $sixteen.08
Oklahoma $14.13
Oregon $14.12
Pennsylvania $xiv.47
South Carolina $17.74
South Dakota $14.31
Tennessee $xiv.05
Texas $14.97
Utah $sixteen.30
Virginia $18.10
Washington $20.98
West Virginia $fourteen.33
Wisconsin $17.03

Hourly Average Bacon: Top 5 States

The elevation earning country in the field is Kentucky, where the average salary is $27.26.

These are the height five earning states in the field:

Kentucky - $27.26

Iowa - $26.07

Washington - $xx.98

California - $20.69

New York - $xx.26

*Salary data based on the May 2019 Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey.
Conducted by: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor.
* Employment atmospheric condition in your expanse may vary.

How to Go a Dog Trainer

Footstep 1 Take the Time To Acquire Dog Behavior

There's currently no requirement, course, or exam that dog trainers need to pass, but if you don't know anything well-nigh domestic dog beliefs, you're not going to make for a very skilful dog trainer.

Consider reading well-respected books about brute behavior, enrolling in dog-obedience courses on your own, and researching animal behavior extensively online.

Step two Glean Experience

You lot can't tout your skills working with dogs if you've never worked with dogs, and so it makes sense that you lot'd demand to get some feel.

Work as an apprentice with a dog trainer, develop your ain training methods, and piece of work with someone who's experienced with preparation dogs.

Bank check effectually your surface area for possible mentors, or piece of work with pet stores to encounter if they'll railroad train yous and grant you the experience y'all demand.

Stride three Continually Evaluate Your Skills

Once you lot have some research, knowledge, and experience under your belt, take a good, honest wait at your skill prepare.

Exercise you feel confident in your abilities?

Continually work toward bettering your skills, learning, and working with experienced trainers before you decide to branch out on your ain.

Nosotros propose taking courses for documentation proof that you're experienced in your field.

Step four Break into the Business

When you're prepare to offer the world your services, do so with a splash.

Whether you're hoping to open your own business, work at a local store, or partner with a training company that's already established, ensure that you're ready and fully experienced before you open your doors.

When you exercise, though, be prepared to work hard, help people and animals, and challenge yourself daily.

Pace 5 Piece of work for Professional Membership and Certifications

Like nosotros've mentioned, y'all don't need certifications or documentation proof to work every bit a dog trainer, merely we can bet that being certified and having coursework under your belt is going to significantly heave your business concern.

Consider getting certified with professional organizations like the Certified Professional Dog Trainer — Knowledge Assessed.

This will verify that yous accept enough private session and group preparation experience to authorize as a professional selection.

Await out for professional groups besides to further raise your developmental opportunities.

Groups similar The Association of Professional Canis familiaris Trainers and Pet Professional person Guild are great organizations to boost your clout and gain more experience.

Education Required to Be a Dog Trainer

Currently, there is no education or regulatory course required in club to be come up a domestic dog trainer.

While this might lead yous to believe that anyone with a dog whistle and a leash tin can become a trainer and flood the market, the truth of the matter is, if a dog trainer doesn't have some sort of experience, they're likely not going to succeed in the marketplace.

That existence said, if you wish to succeed every bit a dog trainer, y'all'll demand to take education into your ain hands.

Commencement, contact the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers and the Association of Pet Trainers for information on what courses and classes yous should take, what research should be conducted, and how to gain the feel yous need in order to go a professional dog trainer.

Consider taking courses on your own time and shoot for certifications in order to put yourself ahead of the residual of the dog trainers in your market.

Trainers who receive certifications, hold CPDT titles, and continue their education on a regular basis are far more successful than dog trainers who do not have certification or experience to provide to their clients.

Video Nearly The Career

What Certifications Do I Need to be a Canis familiaris Trainer?

All in all, you don't demand any certifications or licenses to deed equally a dog trainer.

Legally, neither of these things are required to be in this profession, nonetheless, it will exist much harder to land a job or showtime up your own viable dog training concern if you're not experienced and don't have any certification.

Consider becoming certified with the Clan of Professional Dog Trainers.

This Association is the largest professional group of dog trainers in the globe and they offer various seminars, newsletters, courses, and training tips.

If you become certified with them, yous'll demand to  continually work on your dog training education in order to keep your certification with this group.

Some community colleges and trade schools offer courses and specialization classes if you're interested in becoming more experienced and certified.

Certification Example:

Dog training certification example

Average Preparation Program Duration: 0-6 Months

Popular Degree Programs

Dog Trainer Featured Program

Earn your accredited, affordable Dog Training Certificate online with Penn Foster!

Request Information

Job Outlook for Dog Trainers

The adept news about being a dog trainer? The job outlook is positive.

Co-ordinate to the BLS, the growth charge per unit for canis familiaris trainers is categorized equally faster than average and expected to see a growth rate of about 11 pct by 2024.

Right now, there are about ten,000 dog trainers in the U.s., and with the current need for trainers, that amount only will not suffice.

Dog trainers are being fast tracked into total-time careers much quicker equally their need grows.

Employment Growth Project: 28%

That'due south a college than average projected growth of 17,200 jobs.

Canis familiaris Trainer: Interest Over Time

Should I Become a Dog Trainer?

Overall Satisfaction: High

Overall Satisfaction

At present that y'all've been gifted with all of this stellar information, you're probably wondering, "should I actually become a dog trainer?"

Our answer?

If the challenges, rewards, bacon, and job outlook line up with your goals and your life, go for it!

Just to be certain this career makes sense for yous, let's run over a few of the main things nosotros've covered thus far.

Boilerplate Salary: Medium

Average Salary

Every bit nosotros mentioned, the boilerplate national bacon for dog obedience trainers settles at about $33,600 per year.

That being said, some of the tiptop dog trainers earn upward over $twoscore,000, with at least $53,000 being reported to the US Labor Section.

Dog trainers tin can make upwards to $150 per hr, if they're professional person, well-trained, and have the special clientele.

Job Growth Outlook: High

Job Growth Outlook

The US Labor Section qualifies the dog preparation career equally a rapid accelerator when information technology comes to job outlook growth.

The electric current number of dog trainers is listed at effectually ten,000 professionals, but that number is expected to increase by nigh eleven percent by 2024, as the demand for trainers is continually ascent.

Pedagogy Duration: 0-half dozen Months

Education Duration

At that place is no required educational activity or licensing in order to go a dog trainer, so if yous're planning to jumpstart your career with your own research or feel, you'll be able to go into the swing of things in just a few months.

It'south highly suggested that you work to take a few courses at your local community college or trade school, earn certifications, and work with local mentors in order to further your grooming pedagogy.

Personal Skills Needed

Personal Skills Needed

While at that place are plenty of domestic dog specific skills you lot'll need to be a successful canis familiaris trainer, there are a few personal skills y'all'll demand to develop, such every bit :

  • patience
  • negative and positive reinforcement
  • communication
  • people skills (you'll be training humans, too)
  • hands-on mental attitude
  • personal drive
  • endurance and consistency

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How Long Do You lot Accept to go to Schoolhouse to be a Dog Trainer?

You do non need to attend school to be a dog trainer, although certification and canis familiaris preparation courses are highly encouraged.

Q. How Much Money Tin y'all Brand as a Dog Trainer?

Dog trainers earn a national average salary of about $33,600 yearly; nevertheless, some canis familiaris trainers have reported making upwards to $53,000 yearly ($150 hourly).

Q. How Much Does it Cost to Be a Domestic dog Trainer?

While yous're not required to take whatsoever educational or certification classes to exist a canis familiaris trainer, these expenses are something you lot should cistron in if you lot plan to be successful.

Additionally, y'all'll demand to factor in equipment, time for training, insurance, facility costs, and diverse forms of advert.

If you work with an organization who covers these costs, it's not terribly expensive. However, if y'all're running your own canis familiaris grooming business, you tin can conceptualize to spend a scrap of money to get your visitor going.

Q. Where do Canis familiaris Trainers Work?

Dog trainers have the flexibility to piece of work in multiple locations.

Trainers can work at their own businesses, at pet stores, vet offices, four-H clubs, community colleges, and more.

Q. What is a Dog Trainer Called?

A domestic dog trainer is chosen a dog obedience trainer, an creature trainer, or an obedience trainer.

Q. What Does a Dog Trainer Practise?

A dog trainer performs a diversity of tasks that all essentially eddy down to training a dog to perform the functions he or she has been trained to practice.

Dog trainers can encompass wide ranges such as basic obedience to highly-specialized service dogs.

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