
How To Make Animal Farm In Minecraft

A elementary farm with many kinds of animals, surrounded by fences to keep them from escaping

Cooked meat is the best all-around food in the game. To have meat readily available, one must farm animals. Farming animals too provides several other useful items: leather, feathers, wool, and eggs. A manual slaughter farm can also provide a fair chip of feel.


  • 1 Basic farming
    • 1.1 Cow crusher
    • one.2 Breeding tips
  • 2 Automatic animal farming
    • 2.1 Simple and Easy Cooked Meat Farm
      • two.1.1 Role
      • Construction
      • two.1.3 Grooming
      • two.1.4 Usage
    • 2.2 Fully Automated Chicken Cooker
    • two.3 Poor Man's Beefiness Farm
    • 2.iv Steakatron 2000
      • 2.iv.i Construction
      • 2.4.2 Preparation
      • ii.four.iii Usage
    • ii.five Cruddly's Porkatron 3000
      • ii.five.1 Construction
      • 2.five.2 Training
      • 2.v.3 Usage
      • 2.5.iv Modification Notes
    • two.six Falling Automobile-spawn trap
  • iii Semi-automatic farming
    • 3.1 Sheep subcontract

Basic farming [ ]

  1. Round up at least 2 animals of the aforementioned kind into a pen. Fences are nice, but you tin can likewise dig a hole 2 blocks deep then that the animals cannot jump out, and you desire the hole to be plenty wide.
  2. Brood them until you have a reasonable number.
  3. Kill some of them, and go resources. Practice not kill all of them, as information technology volition be harder to breed animals again.

To atomic number 82 animals effectually, you need to wield the aforementioned food that y'all tin can breed them with or a lead if y'all have slimeballs. You can likewise obtain a pb from the wandering traders by trading with them or killing them. You lot may also take their llamas! Wandering trader llamas can only be bred in Java Edition. Wheat for cows, mooshrooms and sheep; carrots, beetroots, or potatoes for pigs; seeds of whatsoever type for chickens; and dandelions, carrots or golden carrots for rabbits. Once you've got them in the pen, start feeding them. They will then pair off and take babies. They will too produce experience orbs. You tin can breed the same two just once in five minutes. Yous become ane young for each two developed animals that you feed in your herd. The babies will take about xx minutes to abound up, and so don't kill likewise many adults too fast. You can simply brood adult animals if you feed two of them at about the same time. They volition go over to each other and begin to expect like they are kissing.

Chickens are a special case, because not only do they breed with any seeds, merely they also lay eggs, and throwing eggs has a chance to produce chicks. This makes them very piece of cake to multiply in full general. Collecting and throwing eggs will increase the number you can slay.

For sheep, you don't accept to kill them to get wool, simply dye them and shear them. They will also demand a fairly large pen with grass to recover their wool after shearing.

Breeding has a cooldown of five minutes, so you lot cannot breed the parents correct after you already bred them.

A building to house the animals (like a barn) is useful.

Cow crusher [ ]

In that location are limits to how many animals you can proceed in a given pen. In modernistic versions of Minecraft, if animals are packed also tightly (24 in a single cake infinite), they will begin dying of overcrowding. If in that location is a mix of adult and babe animals, the adults will specifically exist killed off first, which allows for construction of a "cow crusher" (popularized by the youtuber Wattles). This does work for pigs and sheep, but for various reasons (leather) cows are the usual inmates.

  1. Set a ii-deep hole with solid blocks on all four sides, and a hopper at the bottom pointing under the blocks on one side. Whichever way the hopper points will be the front of the crusher.
  2. Put a chest where the hopper is pointing, and replace the block over it with an upside-down stair so you lot can get at the chest.
  3. Put a water source at the bottom of the hole, and pb two or more cows to fall into it.
  4. Place a fence or wall over the pigsty to go on the cows in the pigsty, and you out of it.
  5. From this point, you can just feed the cows as often every bit possible, letting them breed up to the crowding limit... and so beyond, upon which raw beefiness and leather will flow into the breast.
    • This gets you the experience from breeding the cows but non from killing them.
    • You lot'll want to cook the meat for your own use, just non for selling it to a butcher.

Notation: In older versions of Minecraft, overcrowded animals could be pushed into the walls of the pen. If those were solid blocks, the animal would suffocate; if they were fences or transparent blocks, the animal could be pushed correct through them. In some versions, animals were prone to "phasing through walls" between a game save and restore.

Breeding tips [ ]

Feeding at twice the charge per unit as you slay your mobs is enough to go on mobs at roughly their electric current population. If you are hatching chickens from eggs, a batch of newly-hatched chickens volition take but nearly an hour to abound up and then replace the eggs used to hatch them.

When breeding animals in a fenced-in pen and yous have a large corporeality of them, it tin can be hard to leave the pen without animals escaping. Some ways to deal with this:

  • Get to the opposite side of the pen as the door yous intend to utilize, and pull out the appropriate food, to assemble the animals there. And then switch items (putting the nutrient away) and quickly run to the gate. Since they're no longer following you, the animals will non be fast enough to become to the other side of the pen when you do. This gets more difficult with large crowds, so other methods tin exist necessary.
  • If you put a rug on acme of one of the fences, neither the animals nor hostile mobs can spring on it, simply yous can.
  • A double gate can provide an "airlock" to give you a chance to intercept any animals that follow y'all through the first gate.
  • Escapees become "volunteers".

Automated animal farming [ ]

An output of an automated pig cooking device

Most of these farms include a killing mechanism, a cooking mechanism for the meat and an item collector, commonly a hopper. The cooking mechanism and killing mechanism are frequently combined, in the form of lava or fire.

Lava Blade Cooker for Cows, Pigs and Sheep

This design uses a pasty piston water gate to control the corporeality of animals to be cooked. They will be dropped through a "lava blade" which enables their meat to be cooked efficiently. Notation that this does not work on chickens and rabbits.

Simple and Piece of cake Cooked Meat Farm [ ]

Part [ ]

This is an easy farm to set up that merely requires the user to breed animals and press a button. It is reusable and has very high efficiency. All cooked meats and other drops are collected automatically, and tin be easily piled into a chest for collection past the role player later. This farm works for cows, sheep and pigs.

Construction [ ]

  1. Construct a holding expanse with flowing h2o for the adults
  2. There should be a drove area for the baby animals that has a 1 block high entrance and a sign to block the water flow from the adult area
  3. The collection area should exist but 1 block in area, and the floor should exist a hopper running to a chest
  4. A dispenser needs to face into the collection area, and information technology holds a bucket of lava
  5. Two split redstone wires need to become into the dispenser
  6. On i redstone wire, you need 3 repeaters ready to four ticks, four ticks, and 3 ticks. On the other wire, you demand one repeater prepare to the default 1 tick
  7. Both of the leads connect up to specifically a stone push button

Preparation [ ]

  1. Lead cows into the adult surface area with wheat earlier having flowing h2o in the area
  2. Breed them until you have as many as y'all want. The larger the area the more than you should breed, but be careful of taking likewise many every bit it tin can impede the progress of the babies to their collection area
  3. Add the flowing water into the adult area
  4. Breed away and watch the babies be swept into the collection expanse

Usage [ ]

  1. Afterwards breeding equally many babies as you want, permit them grow into adults in the drove expanse.

Then, you want to get in and kill off some of them, not all. If y'all kill off all of them, information technology volition exist harder to breed them again.

Fully Automatic Chicken Cooker [ ]


This machine is non resources expensive and can requite you infinite amounts of cooked chicken without you having to do anything. Just build the machine and you won't exist hungry for a long time.


  1. Dig a one block broad hole in the ground. Make it 2 blocks deep.
  2. In the bottom of the hole, build a chest. On elevation of the chest, build a hopper. On top of that hopper, identify downward a non-combustible slab. Build upwardly non-flammable walls effectually the slab at least 3 blocks high.
  3. Knock out a block in the wall adjacent to the slab and place a dispenser. You may demand to move the dispenser a piffling if when it fires, the items do not get sent into the hopper under the slab.
  4. Connect the dispenser to a redstone clock and put at least one hopper on elevation of the dispenser. The hoppers should reach as loftier as the wall surrounding the slab.
  5. Dump lava onto the block above the slab, and brand certain that no lava is leaking anywhere.
  6. Build a floor of hoppers as large as you wish (The floor can even be just 1 cake broad). The hoppers should exist connected to the hoppers on pinnacle of the dispenser.
  7. Build not-combustible walls around the hopper floor and build a roof to it, but make certain to put torches inside of the area before you shut it off.
  8. Knock one of the blocks out of the roof and replace it with a trap door.


  1. Gather equally many eggs every bit you wish, but it is ameliorate to have lots of them.
  2. Open the trap door and throw all of the eggs in. Some of the eggs should hatch into baby chickens and they will start wandering around above the hopper floor.

Why it Works

The chickens in the room with the hopper floor will beginning laying eggs when they abound up and the eggs will be transported through the hoppers and into the dispenser, which will fire them onto the slab. Some of the eggs volition hatch and the infant chickens are non tall enough, even while standing on the slab, to get burnt by the lava that is direct above their heads. However, when they grow up, they are as well alpine and their heads get directly into the lava. The chickens dice and since they burn to death their meat becomes cooked. All of the feathers and chicken that they dropped gets sucked upward past the hopper under the slab and deposited into the chest beneath the hopper.

Poor Man's Beef Subcontract [ ]


An easy and unproblematic fashion to farm raw beefiness. This subcontract utilises h2o currents and fall impairment to impale cows for beef. Cows tin be bred within the subcontract itself, making the farm a renewable source for beef.


  1. Build a 12x12 fenced surface area.
  2. Build 4 upward facing dispensers at all iv corners and fill them with water buckets.
  3. Hook all the dispensers up with redstone.
  4. Dig a hole of 13 blocks deep in the heart of the fenced area.
  5. Build a hopper collection system at the bottom of the pigsty


  1. Lead your cows inside by property wheat.


  1. When the farm is total of cows, activate the dispensers.
  2. Kill off some of the cows for beef while leaving some for breeding and re-population.
  3. Breed the remaining cows until the subcontract is full again and repeat the process.

Steakatron 2000 [ ]

Steakatron 2000 Mk II.png

Construction [ ]

  1. Starting time with a double chest. This volition be the forepart. To apparel information technology up, you tin put two item frames on the front, with a raw beef on the left and a steak on the right. This will help you recall which push to button to impale the cows. Optional: utilize an anvil to rename one of the chests "Meat locker" and place it first.
  2. Behind the chest, utilize a two×ii filigree of hoppers pointing forward into the chest.
  3. Above the chest, place a 2×2 of glass or other transparent block.
  4. Make a rear wall of glass.
  5. For each side, add a two pillars of opaque blocks 3 high to be the walls.
  6. Brand the top forepart cake on each side a dispenser pointing inward, with a button on its front side. Put a saucepan of water in the top left one, and a bucket of lava in the top right one.
  7. Place signs inside at basis level on the four internal walls of the blocks. This volition concur the killing liquid above the heads of the calves.
  8. Brand stairs running up to the roof for the left side. Add together a roof of a band of stairs around the outside and attaching four trapdoors to the bottom of the side stairs directly higher up the internal space.

Preparation [ ]

  1. Lead your cows inside past holding wheat and continuing on acme opposite the stairs with the trapdoors open up, and so close all trapdoors and get down. Kill any remaining cattle by hand. This will be the last fourth dimension you take to manually impale cattle.
  2. Stuff some wheat into your meat locker.

Usage [ ]

  1. Catch wheat from your meat locker, become up the stairs, open a few of the trapdoors, and feed all the cows. Close all trapdoors when washed.
  2. Decide whether you lot desire raw beef (useful for trading with village butchers) or cooked steak (useful for eating). Printing the appropriate push button, expect for the adults to die, so press the button again. Lava takes moments, water takes minutes. Of grade, if you are desperate for experience, you lot can open the trapdoors and slaughter past hand.
  3. Grab your produce from the meat locker and walk abroad.

If you lot always need to lead some cattle away to elsewhere, leave the trapdoors open, hit the water push button until a sufficient number have escaped.

Cruddly'southward Porkatron 3000 [ ]

Porkatron 3000.png

It profoundly speeds upwardly the product of raw porkchops and cooked porkchops by utilizing a gap made by a redstone repeater with a cake in a higher place to split up the pigs and piglets.

Construction [ ]

  1. Auto BBQ
    1. Place a breast looking to the left of the desired machine area.
    2. Connect a hopper in front of the chest (from the car perspective) to the chest. Above the hopper identify a furnace. On the correct of the furnace, connect a hopper for fuel.
    3. Above the furnace, connect a hopper for food.
  2. Cooking selection
    1. Behind the height hopper (two blocks in a higher place the chest), connect some other hopper and then connect a hopper to the top of the chest, which volition select betwixt modes.
    2. To the left of the "selector," place a solid cake, and identify a lever on the block. When the lever is downward, it will produce raw meat. When flicked upward, information technology will produce cooked meat
  3. Separator
    1. Behind the collection hopper, connect ii more hoppers in a line.
    2. Apply these hoppers to create a 2 deep containment pit. It is appropriate to use glass on the right side to make information technology easier to bank check if the pigs accept died.
    3. Remove the rear everyman wall block to extend the hopper line and place a gate. On the exterior of the block to the left of the gate, place a lever to control the gate.
    4. Backside the gate, place a redstone repeater and place a solid block above it. This creates a gap that baby pigs can pass through, but adult pigs cannot.
  4. Finishing up
    1. Behind the slaughterhouse create a 2 deep containment pit. From this pit have steps wind their way clockwise to level with the top of the slaughterhouse. Wrap the stairs in walls and roof suitable for pig containment and leading them to the pit. Glass will brand it easy to see the piglets later on.
    2. Place a downward facing dispenser in the rear elevation of the containment pit and put a saucepan of h2o into it. On the exterior of the block to the left of this dispenser place a button.
    3. In front of the dispenser, at the bottom of the summit block, identify a trapdoor. In front of the trapdoor, on pinnacle of the block at the elevation forepart of the "slaughterhouse" identify a gate, and ensure the walls for pig containment connect neatly with the dispenser, trapdoor hole, and gate.
    4. On the peak of the dispenser place some other gate.
    5. Extend the expanse behind the previous gate for 3 blocks and create stair access from the right side.

Preparation [ ]

Pb your pigs via the operator stairs and gate into the slaughterhouse using carrots, potatoes, or beetroots.

Usage [ ]

Note: It is advisable to briefly notation these instructions on signs next to the car.

  1. Select options: raw or cooked. Open side gate, shut tiptop gate. This will permit piglets to escape and be unable to re-enter the slaughterhouse.
  2. Open the trapdoor. Feed / breed the pigs, close the trapdoor, so, however belongings the carrots, go on to the rear of the machine to entice piglets out of the slaughterhouse. Once all piglets are out, put the carrots away.
  3. Render to the operator gate and look out to the left of the machine for the drowning button and press it. Expect until all pigs have died and press the push button over again to retract the water.
  4. Close the side gate, hold your carrots once more, and open the top gate to entice all piglets into the slaughterhouse. In one case all piglets are in, close the trapdoor and collect your nutrient from the chest. Note that if using the cooked option, at that place will be some delay while the furnace slowly cooks all the food. Best to come dorsum later and collect the finished product and then.

Modification Notes [ ]

Adult pigs cannot fall through a unmarried trapdoor. A single water source dispenser will not drown in any block more than than i square away. Information technology is possible to use redstone grit to relocate all controls to the front of the car or the operator gate area if so desired. It is besides possible to use an inverter circuit to ensure the meridian gate and side gate are ever in contrary states.

Falling Machine-spawn trap [ ]



You volition need:

  • A lite source, such as torches or glowstone
  • Trapdoors
  • Signs
  • Fences
  • A redstone loop
  • Dispensers
  • Hoppers
  • Water buckets
  • Stones
  • Chests
Step 1


Choose any place and put fences here, the fenced area can exist bigger, just it's recommended to be big. In this tutorial, the fenced expanse is small.

Pace 2


Make a 2x2 pigsty. It's recommended to be deep, but if it'southward smaller, read the optional function afterwards.

Step 3


Place a trapdoor and open information technology.

Step 4


Identify four hoppers.

Pace 5


Place four more hoppers and make a hole in the wall.

Step 6


Place ii dispensers at the front of the hopper, so place h2o and a double chest.

Step 7


Make a redstone loop.

Pace 8


Close the hole in the wall, where the redstone loop is.

Step nine


Close another pigsty in the wall. If you have a little hole or you want cooked steak, read the optional steps.

Optional steps

OptionalOneMobFarm.png Place ii signs.

OptionalTwoMobFarm.png And then place lava.

Semi-automated farming [ ]

Sheep subcontract [ ]

This pattern can shear 100+ sheep in a minute.

First yous need to make a flowing water wheat subcontract, only with higher sides and nigh 12 blocks wide.

  1. Create a dirt/grass platform 5*viii blocks. The outside grass blocks, built around this platform, act as walls, congenital up 3 blocks so the sheep don't jump out.

You can use any solid cake (tin't use fences or drinking glass panels as sheep get stuck), merely you demand a manner for the grass to abound in the farm - otherwise the sheep won't regrow their wool. Build an extra level around with grass blocks.

  1. Build another level, aforementioned dimension (v*8), with the smaller length touching the previous platform. One cake above that, place a piston facing down. This volition permit you to manage the water period.
  1. Cover the water expanse with a solid block and have redstone repeaters facing the pistons. Connect them upward with a line of redstone and drag it to the other end of the structure. Use a lever to turn them on and ensure all the pistons go down and are powered. If not you may need a few redstone repeaters to keep power going. When all the pistons are powered y'all can put in the water blocks backside the pistons and ensure the water flows down the commencement level, but stops just earlier the hole.
  1. You will need a bridge 2 blocks high and v long with half-slabs at the other end. This is where your sheep will fall into. Build a three block high wall around this surface area and at the end, place one-half slabs. The half slabs allow you lot to assemble the wool without gates and stops the sheep from jumping out of your subcontract.
  1. On one side of your sheep subcontract, the water supply to make the sheep bounce. Build a 3*4 outline using solid blocks that connects to your outer wall, but 1 block below. Below this, build 2 pistons between the water blocks and the sheep platform. Ensure there is a block below the water belongings area. Next connect upward the pistons with redstone.
  1. 1 level below that build 2 rows of sticky pistons that face upwards in the middle of your sheep collecting pit. Identify grass blocks on these.
  1. Point repeaters to all the pistons and connect up with redsone.
  1. Motility all your levers and redstone paths for easy access, ensuring the lines don't switch up and power something they shouldn't, then label them. You should now have one switch powering the water source, another that raises and lowers the platform at the bottom, and the last that turns on and off the water source which makes the sheep bounce. Examination to ensure they are all working then go become yourself some sheep!

Warning: If the gathering switch is turned on, ensure the harvesting/other h2o is off. If they are both on together sheep volition bounciness over each other and escape.

Remember, if one water is on, the other must be off. The procedure is every bit follows:

  1. Lower the platform.
  1. Turn on water torrent.
  1. Wait until all the sheep are in the hole.
  1. Plough off the gathering switch.
  1. Turn on the harvesting switch.
  1. Grab your shears, right click and point to a sheep. Equally they bounce, you will collect wool. Ensure you get all sheep by moving around a bit.
  1. Turn off the water and heighten the platform.
  1. Bound in and collect all the wool.


  • The solid blocks can be switched effectually to make unlike designs. The merely important ones are the grass blocks in the center.
  • This blueprint has been tested with 100 sheep successfully simply with that many problems arise. If some of your sheep are missing, they may have glitched through a wall or suffocated due to the maxEntityCramming gamerule.
  • Max fourth dimension between harvesting: Unknown
  • Max number of sheep possible: Unknown
  • Max number of water levels yous tin create: Theoretically infinite
  • If you would similar it to exist wider, y'all can mirror the design and take two water bodies joining together. Even so this is the widest combination because you have to be able to control the water.
  • As you tin now use shears in dispensers, fully automated wool farms designs are now available.


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