
Where Does Four Paws And A Tail Get Their Animals

Quadrupeds - Examples of Four-Legged Animals

Nosotros too often rank animals by speed or sure abilities without giving them the correct context. Some animals may be faster than others, but this is only considering they have needed to accommodate in the mode they take. What is more than important and more interesting is looking at how and why animals do the things they do. Movement is one of the about important factors. For quadrupedal animals, using four limbs can give them both many advantages, as well as sure disadvantages in their given environments.

At AnimalWised, we bring yous our list of quadrupeds with examples of four-legged animals. Nosotros explicate the characteristics of these animals and show you both what makes them similar and what makes them dissimilar from each other.

What are quadruped animals?

The term quadruped refers to four-legged animals. They use these limbs to motility from i place to another and are, by and large speaking, terrestrial animals. There are marine animals which spend a lot of their time un water, merely if they are a quadruped, they also tin can walk on land. Examples of these semi-aquatic quadrupeds include otters, sea turtles and alligators.

An of import distinction to make with quadrupeds is that not all of them are tetrapods. Some may recollect that birds accept 4 limbs since they have wings which allow them to fly and some can fifty-fifty manipulate their environs with them. Withal, they practice not utilize all four limbs for locomotion. In this way, although birds are tetrapods, they are non quadrupedal.

Characteristics of quadruped animals

Although they comprehend many different taxonomic groups, quadrupeds take certain characteristics in common. All quadrupeds have the following:

  • They have two front and two rear extremities on which the weight of their torso rests. In some cases, this makes the torso mass evenly balanced between all four limbs. In others, more than than half the weight can exist supported by the front or rear legs.
  • When moving, at least one of the legs is ever resting on the footing.
  • The movement of the forelimbs and hindlimbs occurs in a synchronized mode, allowing the animal to move in a coordinated move.
  • Although there is a range of footprint patterns, each group of quadruped footprints is evenly spaced.
  • Quadrupeds have greater variety in the dynamics of travel than bipeds.
  • Their symmetry is bilateral, creating the sagittal plane which divides the right and left sides. This symmetry is closely linked to its cephalization (the sense organs being located at the fore of the torso).
  • In that location is a frontal plane that divides the body of quadrupeds into dorsal and ventral, while the transverse aeroplane does it anteriorly and posteriorly.

Quadrupeds are divided into unlike areas of the trunk which are given the following terms:

  • Anterior: the head.
  • Posterior: the rear or tail.
  • Dorsal: back or upper side.
  • Ventral: belly or underside.
  • Medial: the longitudinal midline which rungs along the body.
  • Lateral: for each of the sides.
  • Pectoral: chest surface area supported by forelimbs.
  • Pelvic: hip area supported by hindlimbs.
Quadrupeds - Examples of Four-Legged Animals - Characteristics of quadruped animals

Examples of quadruped animals

Now nosotros know the traits which characterize quadrupeds, let'south take a look at some examples of quadruped animals:


They are animals belonging to the order of Proboscidea and are the only current family of this group. The elephant is a articulate case of a quadruped animal that moves on iv legs. They are largest terrestrial animal in terms of weight, so the iv-legged conformation of their torso is vital for proper support.


Horses are vertebrates of the order Perissodactyla, belonging to the equine family unit. They move on all four limbs and can attain great speeds when running. In improver, they manage to sleep standing up, thanks to the anatomical configuration of their 4 legs.


From a taxonomic point of view, rhinos are included in the family Rhinocerotidae. Like elephants, they are amidst the heaviest land mammals on the planet, so they also require adapted legs to support upwards to more than a ton of weight. On the other paw, despite their mass, they manage to attain speeds of up to about 50 km/h.


These large cats are considered one of the fastest land mammals. They commonly counterbalance only over 70 kg, they are sparse and have long limbs compared to their. These traits conspire to give them the ability to reach such high speeds with all iv legs working in tandem for greater efficiency. Unlike other cats, cheetahs practise not stalk their prey, but wait until they are at a safety altitude to beginning a high-speed chase.

Larn more well-nigh these and other 4-legged big cats in our commodity comparing jaguars, cheetahs and leopards.

Quadrupeds - Examples of Four-Legged Animals - Examples of quadruped animals


Gazelles are agile quadruped fifty-fifty-toed ungulate animals, belonging to the Bovidae family. With their long and thin legs they support a slim, medium-sized body weighing around 50 kg. They can reach speeds close to 100 km/h and maintain half of this speed for sustained times.


Giraffes are ruminant mammals and the tallest land animals in existence. These quadrupeds measure nearly 6 meters in length, assuasive them to exist visible over distances. Information technology is a disadvantage, since they tin can be more hands discovered by lions, their main predators.

Accept a expect at our commodity on why giraffes take long necks to learn more.


Bears are mammals belonging to the Ursidae family. There are several species of bear that have quite dissimilar characteristics, such equally coloration or method of feeding. All the same, a peculiarity of some of these quadrupeds is their ability to stand up on their two hind legs and take short steps like a biped.

Quadrupeds - Examples of Four-Legged Animals -


Buffaloes are big bovines distributed throughout various regions of the planet and are some of the largest and heaviest quadrupeds. They can reach up to 500 kg in weight and there have even been specimens that considerably exceeded this amount. This means that they need legs capable of fairly supporting such weight.


Donkeys are some other type of equine quadrupeds. These quadruped animals cannot attain the speeds of horses. They have been unfortunately used throughout history as pack animals cheers to their stability and safety when moving on their four limbs.


Dinosaurs are a type of extinct quadruped which cause fascination for many naturalists. Not all dinosaurs are quadrupeds, merely those that are we know thanks to the fossil tape. They are fascinating animals in terms of quadrupeds as we can run across how some have evolved over fourth dimension.

Quadrupeds - Examples of Four-Legged Animals -

Other quadruped animals

There are many quadruped animals, in this listing we provide a few more examples:

  • Moose
  • Bison
  • Deer
  • Wildebeest
  • Reindeer
  • Cows
  • Dogs
  • Lions
  • Hippos
  • Camels

To larn more about the brute kingdom, take a look at another group of animals which are grouped by their extremities. Here nosotros provide our list of animals with trunks.

If you desire to read like articles to Quadrupeds - Examples of Four-Legged Animals, nosotros recommend yous visit our Facts about the fauna kingdom category.


  • Clack, Jennifer A. (1977). Definition of the taxon Tetrapoda. Tree of Life. Retrieved from:
  • Hickman, C., Roberts, L., & Parson, A. (2000). Comprehensive principles of zoology. McGraw Loma Interamericana.


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